20 May 2013

The Best Natural Nutri Coffee in Town... Must try it !!!

Spice Coffee @ RM140 / 15's.WM/EM

• Enhance cell Muscles • Improve body cell Recovery time • Improve cell health • To suppress free radical • Improve Physical Performance • Reduce Fatigue • Increase the Supply of Oxygen and Nutrients in the blood •Increase body toxins discharge • Improve Blood Circulation • Increase Body Flexibility • Reduces muscle tension.

•增强细胞的肌肉 •提高机体细胞的恢复时间 •提高细胞的健康 •为了抑制自由基 •提高物理性能 •消除疲劳 •增加血液中的氧气和营养供给 •增加体内毒素的排出 •改善血液循环 •增加身体的柔韧性 •减少肌肉紧张。

• Meningkatkan Otot sel • Meningkatkan masa Pemulihan sel badan • Meningkatkan kesihatan sel • Untuk menyekat radikal bebas • Meningkatkan Prestasi Fizikal • Mengurangkan Keletihan • Meningkatkan Bekalan Oksigen dan Nutrien dalam darah • Meningkatkan pembuangan toksin badan • Meningkatkan Peredaran Darah • Meningkatkan Kelenturan Badan • Mengurangkan ketegangan otot.

              Ingredient For Coffee Spice

is an herb most often used for sexual enhancement, although some people take it for other purposes as well. Some of the supposed benefits of horny goat weed include the treatment of the following conditions or problems:

· Impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction, or ED)
· Involuntary ejaculation
· Fatigue
· Weakness of the back or knees
· Memory loss
· Various infections, such as HIV, polio, or viral hepatitis
· Low sex drive.


Spirulina is a simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis. Spirulina is a variety of blue-green algae that has remained virtually unchanged since it first appeared on the earth more than 3.5 billion years ago. So named because of its helix or “spiral” shape, Spirulina has gained prominence as nature’s green “superfood” because of its rich concentration of perfectly balanced amino acids (protein), fiber, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.

The greatness of coffee beans

Blood pressure. Results from long-term studies are showing that coffee may not increase the risk for high blood pressure over time, as previously thought. Study findings for other cardiovascular effects are a mixed bag.

Cancer. Coffee might have anti-cancer properties. Last year, researchers found that coffee drinkers were 50% less likely to get liver cancer than nondrinkers. A few studies have found ties to lower rates of colon, breast, and rectal cancers.

Cholesterol. Two substances in coffee — kahweol and cafestol — raise cholesterol levels. Paper filters capture these substances, but that doesn’t help the many people who now drink non-filtered coffee drinks, such as lattes. Researchers have also found a link between cholesterol increases and decaffeinated coffee, possibly because of the type of bean used to make certain decaffeinated coffees.

Diabetes. Heavy coffee drinkers may be half as likely to get diabetes as light drinkers or nondrinkers. Coffee may contain chemicals that lower blood sugar. A coffee habit may also increase your resting metabolism rate, which could help keep diabetes at bay.

Parkinson’s disease. Coffee seems to protect men, but not women, against Parkinson’s disease. One possible explanation for the sex difference may be that estrogen and caffeine need the same enzymes to be metabolized, and estrogen captures those enzymes.

Kacip Fatima Coffee @ RM150 / 20's.WM/EM.

• Restoration in the elasticity of the uterine wall- contract muscles that has been loosen especially after childbirth • Rejuvenate womb and uterus wall muscle • Antimicrobial property for odor control- kill germs causing vaginal odour • Anti-inflammatory- Control and prevent white discharge • Vaginal moisture control • Improve skin elasticity.

•恢复已放松,尤其是分娩后子宫壁合同肌肉的弹性 •振兴子宫和子宫壁肌肉 •气味控制,杀灭病菌,造成阴道异味,抗菌性能 •抗炎,控制和防止白色分泌物 •阴道防潮控制 •改善皮肤弹性.

• Pemulihan dalam keanjalan otot tembok-kontrak rahim yang telah melonggarkan terutamanya selepas bersalin • Kembalikan keremajaan anda rahim dan otot dinding rahim • harta antimikrob untuk kawalan bau-membunuh kuman yang menyebabkan bau faraj • Anti-radang-Mengawal dan mencegah keputihan • kawalan kelembapan faraj • Meningkatkan keanjalan kulit.
Ingredient For Coffee Fatima


Manjakani (Oak Gall) has been used widely in the ingredients of the traditional medicine for centuries by the Arabs, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Malays. It is believed that Manjakani has been used since 2725 BC by the ancient Egypt.
Studies have shown that manjakani is rich in tannins, vitamin A and C, calcium, and gallic acid, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. Besides that, manjakani also contains the elements of astringency, anti-microbes, and anti-inflammatory.

Due to the rich contents of tannins in manjakani, it is widely used in the traditional medicine especially in healing external tissue damage and also tightening the vagina muscle due the childbirth process. Research also shown that the astringent properties in manjakani can help restore the vaginal tissue growth, strength and elasticity.

Below are the benefits of manjakani in medicine:-

1. Be Young – The anti-oxidants in manjakani reduce the process of aging

2. Diabetes Prevention – Gallic Acid can help in preventing diabetes and asthma.

3. Prevention on Breast and Servix Cancer – The anti-oxidants in manjakani can prevent breast and servix cancer.

4. Prevention on unpleasant odour – Due to its astringent properties, manjakani helps in eliminating bacterial, yeast and fungal infection, the main causes of itching and unpleasant odors in the intimate area.

5. Healing tissues in vagina – Tannins in manjakani has the properties of tightening the vagina muscle and helps reverse loss of elasticity caused by ageing, hormonal changes and childbirth.

6. Reducing excessive vaginal discharge – Astringent also helps in reducing excessive discharge which can cause unpleasant odours.

7. Cleaning the excessive menstrual – Astringent can also absorb the excessive of blood due to menstrual.

Kacip Fatimah

Traditionally, Kacip Fatimah ( Labisa pumila) is used for enhancing vitality, overcome tiredness and help to tone vaginal muscles for women. It’s said to be beneficials as below:
§  Helps establish a regular menstrual cycle when periods fail to appear for reasons like stress, illness or when the pill is discontinued
§  Prevents cramping, water retention and irritability for those with painful periods.
§  Balances, builds and harmonizes the female reproductive system to encourage healthy conception
§  Supports healthy vaginal flora to prevent irritation and infections.
§  Alleviates fatigue, smooths menopausal symptoms and promote emotional well being.
§  Prolong energy during Playtime.
§  Helps to solve the problems related to constipation
§  Tightens vaginal skin and walls.
§  Anti-dysmenorrhoea; cleansing and avoiding painful or difficult menstruation
§  Anti-flatulence, drive away and prevent the formation of gas.
§  Firming and toning of abdominal muscles.
As the plant contains phytoestrogen, it is not to be taken by pregnant women and periods of menstruation.


Spirulina is a simple one-celled microscopic blue-green algae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis. Spirulina is a variety of blue-green algae that has remained virtually unchanged since it first appeared on the earth more than 3.5 billion years ago. So named because of its helix or “spiral” shape, Spirulina has gained prominence as nature’s green “superfood” because of its rich concentration of perfectly balanced amino acids (protein), fiber, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.

Stevia Coffee 3 in 1 

New ... Stevia Coffee Friends for OKU !!!


OKU - Stevia White Coffee @ RM60 / 500 gram.WM/EM

OKU - Stevia Cocoa Drink @ RM60 / 500 gram.WM/EM.

Coming soon...
OKU - Stevia Hazelnut Coffee @ RM60 / 500 gram.WM/EM.

OKU - Stevia Black Coffee @ RM60 / 500 gram.WM/EM.

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